Особливості державного контролю за якістю медичних послуг в Україні

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Терзі, О. ua
dc.contributor.author Terzi, O. en
dc.date.accessioned 2020-05-08T07:49:14Z
dc.date.available 2020-05-08T07:49:14Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Терзі О. Особливості державного контролю за якістю медичних послуг в Україні / О. Терзі // Європейський політико-правовий дискурс. – 2016. – Т. 3, вып. 6. – С. 236–241. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.odmu.edu.ua:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/7076
dc.description.abstract The article investigates specifics of control over quality of medical services in Ukraine. Attention is accented on updating of normative indicators of the quality of medical services and normative fixation of their monitoring and audit. The author characterizes the organizational aspect of formation of control over quality of medical services system, analyzes the system of bodies that exercise state control in this sphere. The basic directions of activity of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Ukraine were determined. This is the body of external control over observance of rules of standardization in the field of health care, delivery of health services and development of clinical protocols as means of monitoring the quality of medical services. The next types and forms of state control were distinguished: state control over the use of resources (material, natural, labor, financial); state control over organization of economic activity (payment of taxes and obligatory payments, protection of economic competition, consumer protection, etc.); monitoring of specific conditions for the exercise of certain economic activities (licensing and permitting conditions); monitoring over implementation of specific operations. en
dc.language.iso uk en
dc.subject state control en
dc.subject clinical audit en
dc.subject quality of medical services en
dc.subject licensing of medical practice en
dc.subject accreditation of medical practice en
dc.subject clinical quality indicators en
dc.subject clinical expert commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine en
dc.title Особливості державного контролю за якістю медичних послуг в Україні uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Peculiarities of state control over quality of medical services in Ukraine en
dc.type Article en

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