У статті розглянуто сутність і характеристику англомовної професійно-мовленнєвої діяльності лікарів, визначені основні складники успішної активності лікаря і роль мовленнєвого компонента в зазначеному процесі. Представлені специфічні особливості англомовної мовленнєвої взаємодії лікарів.
The article discusses the nature and characteristics of the English-speaking professional speech activity of doctors, identifies the main components of a successful activity of the doctor and the role of the speech component in the specified process. The specific features of the English-speaking speech interaction of doctors are presented.
Everyday life and practice put forward special requirements to the personality of a doctor and relationship between the doctor and the patient, which causes optimization of the processes of psychological influence in the field of communication between the doctor and the patient, and, consequently, the social and psychological preparation of the future doctors. The profession of a doctor is one of such professions that requires a thorough knowledge of methods and means of effective communication with patients, their relatives and colleagues in order to achieve the mutual understanding necessary for solving not only medical and diagnostic tasks, but also personal and family problem situations, capable of influencing the outcome of a particular disease and quality of human life in general. Professional medical activities have a number of specific features. On the one hand, this activity is characterized by the fact that it has a significant role of interpersonal contacts in the process of communicating with patients and their relatives. On the other hand, the profession of a doctor is associated with psychological and emotional stresses, excessive tensions, and the need to make decisions in a time-shortage. The success of the doctor's work is greatly determined not by his own professional knowledge and skills, but by the ability to realize them in their work due to the professional qualities of the individual, and its effectiveness is difficult to evaluate unambiguously.
В статье рассмотрены сущность и характеристика англоязычной профессионально-речевой деятельности врачей, определены основные составляющие успешной активности врача и роль речевого компонента в указанном процессе. Представлены специфические особенности англоязычного речевого взаимодействия врачей.