У статті розглянуто комунікативно-тренувальний етап формувального експерименту з англомовної професійної підготовки майбутніх лікарів в умовах медичних закладів вищої освіти. Представлено методи, які було застосовано на зазначеному етапі. У пропонованій увазі статті подано результати проведеного експерименту.
The article deals with the practical communicative
training stage of the formative experiment on the English-language
professional training of future doctors at the
higher medical educational institutions. The applied methods
of work at the specified stage are presented, the results
of the experiment are given.
The purpose of this article is to investigate the semantic
aspect of implementing a pilot model of Englishlanguage
training of future doctors. This process was
carried out for 2 years with students of the medical faculty
of the specialty 222 “Medicine” of Odesa national
medical University, who made up the experimental group
and which was carried out purposeful work on the implementation
model of English language training of future
doctors. In the control group, which included students of
the medical faculty of Odessa national medical University,
classes were held in the traditional program without
significant changes.
Before the experimental work was conducted 2 workshops
with teachers linguistic (“English language (professional
direction)”, “Ukrainian language (for professional
direction)”, “Latin language”) and professional (“Anatomy”,
“Histology”, “Pharmacology”) subjects who agreed
to participate in the formative stage of the experiment.
During the seminars the objectives and goals of the experiment
were discussed, the feasibility English language
knowledge during teaching these disciplines was determined,
guidelines for the research topic were prepared,
terminology dictionary on professional disciplines was approved.
One of the stages of the formative experiment was
communication and training phase, which consisted of the
training course “English speech activity of future doctors”
that implied usage of interactive teaching methods and
was aimed at the development of oral and writing English
language skills.
В статье автор рассматривает коммуникативно-тренировочный
этап формирующего эксперимента по
англоязычной профессиональной подготовке будущих
врачей в условиях обучения в медицинских высших учебных заведениях. Вниманию читателей представлены
эффективные методы работы со студентами, которые были применены на указанном этапе. Показаны результаты проведенного эксперимента.