Статтю присвячено дослідженню сучасного стану англомовної професійної підготовки майбутні
лікарів у медичних ЗВО. В процесі експериментальної роботи проведено анкетування студентів, проаналізовано освітні програми і навчальні плани зазначеної підготовки. Подано характеристику навчальних
матеріалів, які застосовуються для англомовної професійної підготовки студентів-майбутніх лікарів.
The article is devoted to the study of the current state of English-language training of future doctors in medical
universities. During experimental work, students were questioned, educational programs and curricula of this
training were analyzed. The characteristic of educational materials that are used for English-language professional
training of students-future doctors is presented.
The analysis of the English language training programs of future doctors has shown that the speaking skills
that students are expected to develop generally cover the range of speech skills that have been highlighted in the
earlier stages of the study. Instead, they are presented according to the traditional classification of speech activities
without taking into account the differentiation in production and communication processes. It has been established
how the skills offered in these educational programs correlate with the vocational skills we have identified.
Thus, the programs envisage the development of speaking skills: to conduct a conversation on the given
medical topic; participate in a discussion or conversation; clarify information regarding treatment; be able to
discuss the topic being studied; participate in simulation of a professionally oriented situation; to make dialogues
and messages based on the subject matter being studied; listen (understanding monologue and dialog speech)
and read (working with medical literature). We conclude that the skills are formulated quite broadly, it is not
expected to work on the development of specific skills, without which the formation declared in the analyzed programs
of general skills is impossible. For example, to plan utterances, differentiate information, analyze, compare,
systematize it, transmit brief professional information in writing.
Thus, the students can use acquired integrated knowledge of professional English in senior courses while
studying other disciplines, where on the basis of the learned models of communicative interaction future doctors
will have the ability to perform professionally directed English-speaking interaction and to use professional vocabulary
Статья посвящена исследованию современного состояния англоязычной профессиональной подготовки будущих врачей в медицинских вузах. В процессе экспериментальной работы проведено анкетирование студентов, проанализированы образовательные программы и учебные планы указанной подготовки. Представлена характеристика учебных материалов, которые применяются для англоязычной
профессиональной подготовки студентов-будущих врачей.