Метою даної роботи стало вивчення особових характеристик осіб юнацького віку і визначення
їх взаємозв’язку із станом зорового аналізатора. У дослідженні взяли участь 114 студентів у віці від 18 до 23
років. Серед них у 71 людини був поставлений діагноз: «міопія», вони склали основну групу (ОГ). До контрольної групи (КГ) увійшли 43 студенти, які не мали проблем із зором. В ході дослідження виявлено, що більшість студентів, які мали діагноз «міопія», мають високий рівень тривожності і низький рівень самооцінки.
Цим можна пояснити схильність сприймати загрозу своїй самооцінці і життєдіяльності у великому діапазоні
ситуацій і реагувати дуже вираженим станом тривожності і дезадаптації.
Myopia is a serious medical and social problem that significantly affects the quality of life in patients,
reduces efficiency, impact on personality and psycho-emotional state of the patient. Particular importance is given
refractive error becomes in high visual work, including on background of information stress that is characterizes of
the modern conditions of human life. Relevant is to study of psycho-emotional state, personality characteristics of
patients with myopia in condition of information stress.
Purpose. To explore the features of personality characteristics and psycho-emotional state in patients with
myopia in conditions of information stress.
Materials and methods. The study involved 114 persons aged 16 to 21 years and consists of two groups:
the first group consisted of 71 people with myopia from -1.0 up to -10,0D; second (control) – 43 persons with
emmetropy refraction. Research conducted with the informed consent of persons surveyed. In this research, we
used psychodiagnostic test Spielberger-Hanin, method “Differential personality”; methods of diagnosis of irrational
attitudes. Non-parametric methods has been using for statistical analysis of data.
Results. The first phase of the study evaluated the level of self-esteem and anxiety level at the beginning of
semester. In patients with myopia were statistically significantly more individuals with high trait anxiety as compared
with persons without myopia (p = 0.0406). Differences between the groups in terms of situational anxiety were
not found. In patients with myopia were statistically significantly more people with low self-esteem (40. 9 % of the
patients) than in the control group (4.7 % of the patients). There were no differences in amount of patients with high
self-esteem in control group and in group of patients with myopia.
The second phase of the study was conducted during the exams semester. Students with emmetropia did
not observe statistically significant increase in situational anxiety in condition of information stress (exam stress).
In patients with myopia observed statistically significant increase in the amount of persons with high levels of
situational anxiety in condition of information stress. Identifies typical student irrational setting that affect the
emotional state of the patient, and the overall quality of their lives. The study included the testing and monitoring of
communication students in the exam situation. In the group of students with myopia in 83.1 % of cases discovered
irrational settings; for students with emmetropia irrational settings were set in 60.5 % cases, the difference between
groups is significant.
Conclusion. We found high levels of anxiety as personality traits, combined with low self-esteem in patients
with myopia. In information stress condition students with myopia have a strong level of situational anxiety,
which, combined with the presence of irrational settings, promotes nonadaptive behavior. Identified by the study
nonadaptive psychological characteristics of entity with myopia are need psychological work within the support of
adolescents with myopia in terms of studying in higher education. The main method of correction was use cognitivebehavioral therapy.
Целью данной работы явилось изучение личностных характеристик лиц юношеского возраста
и определения их взаимосвязи с состоянием зрительного анализатора. В исследовании приняло участие
114 студентов в возрасте от 18 до 23 лет. Среди них у 71 человека был выставлен диагноз: «миопия», они
составили основную группу (ОГ). В контрольную группу (КГ) вошли 43 студента, которые не имели проблем
со зрением. В ходе исследования выявлено, что большинство студентов, которые имели диагноз «миопия»,
имеют высокий уровень тревожности и низкий уровень самооценки. Этим можно объяснить склонность воспринимать угрозу своей самооценке и жизнедеятельности в обширном диапазоне ситуаций и реагировать
весьма выраженным состоянием тревожности и дезадаптации.