Видання іноземною мовою. Кафедра неврології та нейрохірургії: Recent submissions

  • Solodovnikova, Yu.; Kobryn, A.; Ivaniuk, A.; Son, A. (2021)
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects upper and lower motor neurons. The incidence rate of ALS is age dependent, increasing from 40 years and peaking at 65–67 years. ...
  • Lebed, O.; Perkova, H.; Stoyanov, O.; Chemeresiuk, I.; Hontaruk, H. (2021)
    Higher education in the modern society is no less important social structure than the economy. Economic crises and recessions, despite their depth and destructive, alternate recovery and growth, the emergence of more ...
  • Vastyanov, R. S.; Kirchev, V. V.; Muratova, T. M.; Kashchenko, O. A.; Vastyanova, O. V.; Tatarko, S. V.; Zayats, L. M.; Вастьянов, Р. С.; Кірчев, В. В.; Муратова, Т. М.; Кащенко, О. А.; Вастьянова, О. В.; Татарко, С. В.; Заяць, Л. М. (2021)
    Chronic cerebral ischemia is a phenomenon and pathological process, and, accordingly, patients with chronic cerebral ischemia represent the vast majority of cases and episodes of cerebrovascular pathology. With chronic ...
  • Chemeresiuk, I.; Boshernitsan, V. (2021)
    Annotation: The article focuses on the problems of higher education that have affected the entire world community and suggests some ways out of this situation. The problems of online learning, the possibility of attracting ...
  • Kaptalan, A. O.; Andreeva, T. O.; Stoyanov, O. M.; Ostapenko, I. O.; Oliinyk, S. M.; Капталан, А. О.; Андреєва, Т. О.; Стоянов, О. М.; Остапенко, І. О.; Олійник, С. М. (2021)
    In the article the authors substantiate the methods of treatment of the most common cause of symptomatic epilepsy in adults, namely traumatic and ischemic. The complexity of treatment is the need to take into account the ...
  • Kaptalan, A. O.; Stoyanov, A. N.; Ostapenko, I. O.; Kirchev, V. V.; Yermuraki, P. P.; Капталан, А. О.; Стоянов, О. М.; Остапенко, І. О.; Кірчев, В. В.; Єрмуракі, П. П. (2021)
    Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is a formidable and frequent consequence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the long term. 41 patients with PTE were examined, mostly men of working age. The time of formation of PTE after was ...
  • Muratova, T. M.; Venger, L. V.; Khramtsov, D. M.; Khramtsov, Iu. M.; Teliushchenko, V. D. (2020)
    Background: Stroke remains one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world. Most patients with stroke exhibit neuro-ophthalmological abnormalities. Purpose: To assess the frequency of neuro-ophthalmological ...
  • Stoyanov, A. N.; Dobrovolskyi, V. V.; Son, A. S.; Vastyanov, R. S.; Lebed, O. P.; Chemeresyuk, I. G. (2021)
    In connection with the integration of the higher medical education system of Ukraine into the European educational program, new problems arise in improving the base of educational services. We pay a lot of attention to ...
  • Vastyanov, R. S.; Stoyanov, O. M.; Platonova, O. M.; Yermuraki, P. P.; Ostapenko, I. O.; Tatarko, S. V.; Bibikova, V. O.; Вастьянов, Р. С.; Стоянов, О. М.; Платонова, О. М.; Єрмуракі, П. П.; Остапенко, І. О.; Татарко, С. В.; Бібікова, В. О. (2021)
    Non-convulsive behavioral disorders are registered in the majority (over 75 %) of patients with epilepsy and are most often the only and most prominent manifestation of this disease. However, the neuropathogenetic mechanisms ...
  • Vastyanov, R. S.; Stoyanov, A. N.; Krepec, Yu. S.; Dzygal, A. F.; Beseda, Ya. V.; Puchkova, A. V.; Вастьянов, Р. С.; Стоянов, О. М.; Крепец, Ю. С.; Дзигал, О. Ф.; Бєсєда, Я. В.; Пучкова, Г. В. (2020)
    The purpose of the work is to study the chronic convulsive activity intensity in conditions of picrotoxin-induced kindling and due to recombinant antagonist of interleukin-1 receptors introduction as well as registration ...
  • Muratova, Т. М.; Godovan, V. V.; Godlevsky, L. S.; Kobole, E. V. (2014)
    In rats with the corazole-induced kindling syndrome, we estimated the conditions for the appearance of battles on an electrified floor; the threshold for initiation of aggressive reactions in kindling animals was lower, ...
  • Hubetova, I. V.; Хубетова, І. В.; Хубетова, И. В. (2020)
    Background. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a slowly progressing neurodegenerative disease with accumulation of alpha-synuclein and the formation of Lewy bodies inside nerve cells. The prevalence of PD ranges from 100 to 200 ...
  • Лебедюк, М. Н.; Запольский, М. Э.; Горанский, Ю. И.; Lebedyuk, M. N.; Zapolskyi, M. E.; Goranskyi, Yu. I.; Лебедюк, М. М.; Запольский, М. Е.; Горанський, Ю. І. (2011)
    У статті показано актуальність проблеми герпесвірусного ураження нервової системи в медичній практиці на сучасному етапі. Визначено провідну роль детального обстеження та консультування невропатологом пацієнтів з поширеними ...
  • Muratova, T.; Khramtsov, D.; Stoyanov, A.; Vorokhta, Yu.; Муратова, Т. Н.; Храмцов, Д. Н.; Стоянов, А. Н.; Ворохта, Ю. Н. (2020)
    The aim of the study was to assess the epidemiology of clinical variants of ischemic stroke in the different countries of the world. The depth of information search is 15 years, it was performed in the databases EMBASE, ...
  • Dobrovolskyi, V. V.; Stoyanov, O. M.; Mashchenko, S. S.; Добровольский, В. В.; Стоянов, А. Н.; Мащенко, С. С. (2019)
    Objective - to study neuroprotective effect of Quercetin in ischemia-reperfusion injury in acute ischemic stroke. Materials and methods. The study included 98 patients with acute ischemic stroke. All patients: main and ...
  • Hertsev, V. N.; Stoyanov, A. N.; Muratova, T. N.; Vastyanov, R. S.; Kolesnik, E. A.; Герцев, В. Н.; Стоянов, А. Н.; Муратова, Т. Н.; Вастьянов, Р. С.; Колесник, Е. А. (2019)
    As a result of analysis of the available scientific data, a significant relationship between hyperkinetic syndromes and changes in the acid-base state has been revealed. The provoking effect of alkalosis on the occurrence ...
  • Stoyanov, A. N.; Mashchenko, S. S.; Ostapenko, I. O.; Bakumenko, I. K.; Oleinik, S. M.; Skorobreha, V. S.; Стоянов, А. Н.; Мащенко, С. С.; Остапенко, И. О.; Бакуменко, И. К.; Олейник, С. М.; Скоробреха, В. З. (2019)
    In the review article the problems of modeling cerebral ischemia in small mammals are consecrated. The advantages of experimental studies that are based on the similarity of the blood circulation of the brain in humans ...
  • Muratova, T. M.; Khramtsov, D. M.; Stoyanov, O. M.; Vorokhta, Yu. M.; Vikarenko, M. S.; Kozlova, G. G.; Муратова, Т. М.; Храмцов, Д. М.; Стоянов, О. М.; Ворохта, Ю. М.; Вікаренко, М. С.; Козлова, Г. Г.; Муратова, Т. М.; Храмцов, Д. Н.; Стоянов, А. Н.; Ворохта, Ю. Н.; Викаренко, М. С.; Козлова, Г. Г. (2019)
    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention of post-stroke depression in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident It was shown that the incidence of PID in patients with ischemic stroke ...
  • Muratova, T. N. (2014)
    Introduction: Leptin action on brain structures might be helpful for better understanding of mechanism of this hormone neurotropic effects realization. Experiments have been carried out on Wistar rats (250-320 g) with the ...
  • Abdullaiev, R. Ya.; Kalashnikov, V. I.; Tovazhnyanska, O. L.; Stoyanov, A. N.; Kauk, O. I. (2019)
    Tension-type headache (TTH) is very common, with a lifetime prevalence in the general population ranging in different studies between 30% and 78%. TTH, divided into episodic and chronic types, introduced in the manual ...