Короткий опис (реферат):
Introduction. Continuous soft contact lens (SCL) wearing can result in development
of neurotrophic keratopathy. Treatment of this pathology is long-term and, in
general, symptomatic: tear-substitute, epithelizing, vitaminous, antibacterial, antiinflammatory
Purpose. To improve a correction method for metabolic alterations in corneal
tissues in continuous-SCL-wear-associated neurotrophic keratopathy through using
transorbital electrophoresis with 1% thiotriazoline.
Material and Methods. We developed a method of treatment for neurotrophic
keratopathy which includes a 10 day course of daily transorbital electrophoresis
with 1% thiotriazoline as a part of complex therapy. We applied for approval of
Author's certificate (application No U 201710621 dated 01 November 2017).
Results. Clinical cases of treatment of stage 1 neurotrophic keratopathy are reported.
Conclusion. The proposed treatment enables in a short term to significantly decrease
pathological changes in corneal tissues in stage 1 neurotrophic keratopathy, to
increase comfort in the eyes, to prevent severe complications of neurotrophic
keratopathy and soft contact lens wearing.