Prognosis of pancreatoduodenal resection performing on the background of mechanic jaundice syndrome

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Muraviov, P. en Zaporozhchenko, B. en Borodaev, I. en Shevchenko, V. en 2020-03-30T06:25:28Z 2020-03-30T06:25:28Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Prognosis of pancreatoduodenal resection performing on the background of mechanic jaundice syndrome / P. Muraviov, B. Zaporozhchenko, I. Borodaev, V. Shevchenko // Arta Medica. 2019. N. 4 (73). P. 14–16. en
dc.description.abstract Surgical treatment is the basic therapy in mechanical jaundice and has 2 main objectives: decompression of the bile shaft (by suppression obstacle) and reintroduction of the ball into the digestive tract. Applying the proposed biliary decompression algorithm, taking into account the risk predicted by radical surgery, made it possible to prepare patients for pancreatoduodenal resection in optimal terms by achieving satisfactory indicators of their condition and avoiding the progression of liver failure. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject surgical treatment en
dc.subject mechanical jaundice en
dc.subject decompression of the bile shaft en
dc.subject pancreatoduodenal resection en
dc.title Prognosis of pancreatoduodenal resection performing on the background of mechanic jaundice syndrome en
dc.type Article en

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