Forensic-medical examiners face with the cases of car and bicyclist contact in their practice. The main goal of examination is to determine the variant of car, bicycle and bicyclist’s body contact, that’s why it is necessary to determine the mechanism of bodily injuries forming, taking to consideration various trace-forming objects, which can contribute
to injuries’ forming on the bicyclist’s body. It is possible to classify the type of traffic accidents according to the types and quantity of the traumatic objects for the bicyclist’s body
and according to the sequence of contacting of the vehicle, bicycle and bicyclist’s body. Not all questions could be solved by forensic-medical examiner (on example, questions about
sequence and phases of bodily injuries forming), that’s why in such cases it is necessary to perform complex forensic-medical and transport-trasological examination with obligatory
studying of the vehicle, which participated in traffic accident, bicycle, driven by the injured person, clothes and shoes of the injured bicyclist, bicyclist’s bodily injuries and results of the
scene of incident inspection. All bicyclist’s bodily injuries could be divided on three large groups: bodily injuries, which have formed in the result of primary contact of the bicyclist’s
body and parts of the car; bodily injuries, which have formed in the result of body’s throw on the defined parts of the car; bodily injuries, which have formed in the result of bicyclist’s contact with the road. Algorithm of research in the case of forensic-medical examination of injured bicyclist was created, which predicts cooperation of forensic-medical and transporttrasological examiners and gives a possibility for more effective solving of forensic tasks.