Короткий опис (реферат):
In this paper the authors perform the analysis of molecular and morphological factors
influencing the survival of patients with gastric cancer (n = 221). They analyzed the survival
rate in this group of patients based on the analysis of molecular markers VEGFR, p53, Her2,
Ki-67. Measured role in the survival such factors as the degree of differentiation of primary
gastric tumors, the presence of microscopic tumor involvement of perineural and perivascular
spaces, the degree of invasion to gastric wall by T1 = 1 and to T4a = 4, T4b = 5, number of
regional lymph nodes affected by metastasis, and other factors. As an arbitrator used survival
curves calculated by the method of R. J. Cox, time of lifespan, measured in months, as well as
a comparison of the areas under the curves of survival.