Many diseases, including caries, chronic inflammatory diseases, diabetes, and obesity, are associated with uncontrolled
sugar consumption. Artificial sweeteners are commonly used in food and pharmaceutical industries as sugar substitutes for
the prevention of several dental and body diseases; they also have a favorable impact on body weight as they may help to
restrict simple sugar consumption. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is commonly used as a sweetener. It can be found
naturally or artificially prepared mainly from plant materials chemically or by fermentation of hemicelluloses from
agricultural biomass by yeast or bacteria strains. This polyol has a significant antiplaque effect on teeth surface and can
reduce the gingival inflammation; it is being used as a preventive agent for dental caries due to decreasing the growth
levels of pathogenic Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sangui at the very early stages. Xylitol can bind with
calcium ion leading to consequent remineralization of teeth enamel; it is also able to prevent osteoporosis. This polyol
can treat respiratory tract and middle ear diseases due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory potential and prevent some
diseases which cannot be cured through antibiotics or surgery. Xylitol can reduce constipation, diabetes, obesity, and other
body syndromes or illnesses; it has also revealed its stimulating effect on digestion and immune system. However, it can
produce some side effects such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, nephrolithiasis, etc., when consumed in excessive
amounts. Different vehicles are used for delivering the xylitol into the human body, but chewing gums occupy a leading
position. The present review is devoted to comprehensive analyses of the positive and negative effects of this polyol on
human health.