The most frequent and threatening complication of pneumoconiosis
is tuberculosis (TB), because it aggressively affects the lungs and many other organs
and systems, reduces immune protection, leads to accelerated progression of
bronchopulmonary pathology, and in the future - to cardiorespiratory failure,
deterioration of treatment results, early severe disability and premature fatal
consequences [1. 300 р.].
There fore, it is advisable to acquire knowledge and use means of prevention of
these threatening complications, which are formed in pneumoconiosis in combination
with tuberculosis.
The purpose of the work: to study the risk factors of the formation of a severe
comorbid condition, which includes pneumoconiosis and tuberculosis, and to develop
appropriate ways of its early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Research materials and methods. study of these literary sources from the
chosen field of work.