Green chemistry as an organic medicine

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Storchylo, O. en 2024-12-27T15:52:01Z 2024-12-27T15:52:01Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Storchylo O. Green chemistry as an organic medicine. Green Chemistry and Euro pharmaceutics : Proceedings of Joint Webinar on, March 13-14, 2023, London. London, 2023. P. 7. en
dc.description.abstract Civilizational processes are accompanied by pollution of the environment. Emissions of combustion products of fuel, technology of production and processing of materials and even preservation of food lead to the recipiency of a certain amount of xenobiotics into the human body, which are not metabolized and, as a result, accumulate in the body. This leads to various violations of its functioning - from intoxication to stimulation of tumor processes. uk_UA
dc.language en en
dc.subject organic medicine en
dc.title Green chemistry as an organic medicine en

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