This paper aims to form the basis for professionalization processes of managerial capital in the healthcare field in Ukraine. Thus, the main challenges, priorities and trends of the national health care are analyzed in the paper. Regarding the state of the national healthcare system and health management we can say, that Ukrainian healthcare sector is in crisis, since the model, which remained from administrative-command historical period, has been destroyed (thus, the public
healthcare model does not exist), but nevertheless, the main market principles have not been still implemented. And with the existence the crises in other economic, political and social spheres such situation is deepening. The authors recommend applying the management approach to Ukrainian healthcare sector,
which requires the formation of managerial capital. The general concept of managerial capital was defined; its main sources were analyzed. In the paper it is argues, that the process of managerial capital formation is ongoing in the frameworks of managerial staff’s professionalization. Thus, the main directions and variants of professionalization of managerial staff in healthcare field are proposed. But nevertheless, it is important to emphasize, that professionalization of managerial staff in Ukrainian health care is very complicated process, due to the lack of special training basis for its realization and, especially, understanding of
government its necessity.