Ways to deal with the emotional burnout of staff during the quarantine period

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dc.contributor.author Vashkovskaya, M. en
dc.contributor.author Zhmai, A. V. en
dc.contributor.author Karavaeva, T. L. en
dc.date.accessioned 2024-02-23T14:15:46Z
dc.date.available 2024-02-23T14:15:46Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Vashkovskaya M., Zhmai, A. V., Karavaeva T. L. Ways to deal with the emotional burnout of staff during the quarantine period // Розширюючи обрії : 16-й міжнар. форум студ. і молодих учених, 21 – 22 квіт. 2021 р., Дніпро: зб. тез. – Д.: ДП, 2021. С. 145–147. en
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.odmu.edu.ua:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/14830
dc.description.abstract The coronavirus pandemic is driving the need to make changes in the way companies operate. Now many employees are forced to work remotely. Remote work has a number of advantages, but in addition, it carries a number of disadvantages. Together with the general economic, social and epidemiological tensions in the country, this becomes a source of stress for employees. Constant stress can cause burnout. Burnout can include feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job, or negative/cynical feelings related to one’s job – including reduced belief that the person is able to perform the job and produce good results. Emotional burnout leads to a decrease in professional efficiency and effectiveness. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject emotional burnout of staff en
dc.subject quarantine period en
dc.subject remote work en
dc.subject stress en
dc.title Ways to deal with the emotional burnout of staff during the quarantine period en
dc.type Article en

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