Review: proteins c-Myc and Mycnick as potential targets for the melignant melanoma treatment

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Maryniuk, G. S. Stepanov, G. F. Oleynik, K. V. Selyvanska, I. O. Tereshchenko, L. O. Dubna, Y. S. 2024-01-05T13:50:15Z 2024-01-05T13:50:15Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Maryniuk G. S., Stepanov G. F., Oleynik K. V., Selyvanska I. O., Tereshchenko L. O., Dubna Y. S. Review: proteins c-Myc and Mycnick as potential targets for the melignant melanoma treatment. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2023;42(1):105-114. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Malignant melanoma is the most aggressive and life-threatening skin cancer with increasing incidences over the past decades. Despite accounting for only 4 % of all skin cancers, melanoma confers 80 % of skin cancer induced death. The underlying cause of melanoma progression and metastasis is poorly understood. Myc is a very strong proto-oncogene and it is very upregulated in many types of cancers. c-Myc protein is a transcription factor that activates expression of many genes. It drives cell proliferation, plays a very important role in regulating cell growth, apoptosis and differentiation. High c-Myc expression is associated with tumor metastasis and poor prognosis in human melanoma. Full-length c-Myc is converted into Myc-nick by calcium-dependent on cytosolic proteases that are members of the calpain family. In connection with the key role of the cytoplasmic protein Myc-nick in the autophagy activativation, increasing the resistance to chemotherapy and overall survival of tumor cells, it can be a target for treatment tumors under the conditions of c-Myc overexpression. That fact that the expression of Myc-nick increases the survival of cells after UV radiation can indicate the key role of the Myc-nick in tumorogenesis of melanoma cells. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.subject c-Myc uk_UA
dc.subject Myc-nick uk_UA
dc.subject autophagy uk_UA
dc.subject apoptosis uk_UA
dc.subject melanoma uk_UA
dc.title Review: proteins c-Myc and Mycnick as potential targets for the melignant melanoma treatment uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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