Changes in high medical education Ukrainian system are related with participation in
European higher education scope creation. This includes the tutor`s position introduction in higher
medical education institution, and also in Educational-innovative centre for physicians practical training
(The Center). Work purpose- improvement the professional medical learning of students, interns, graduate
students, clinical residents, average and junior medical staff, practicing doctors and people, which don’t
have medical education, in accordance with the requirements of Medical health care in Ukraine. Task –
the tutor`s processes improvement in simulation medical education in the Center, the tutor`s quality
management System implementation during the integrative training in the Center; retrospective analysis of
the tutoring in simulation medical program in the Center of ONMedU . Subject - principles, methods and
techniques of the tutor `s organization support during the process of integrative medical simulation
training in the tutor quality management System. Object - innovative simulation techniques of integrative
medical simulation training in the Center involving tutor support. The project has been developed about
the tutor quality management System in the Center: the tutor quality management principles; approach
process; context; planning; functioning; assessment and improvement of simulation medical educational
activity. The tutor quality management System implementation according to DSTU ISO 9001:2015
complies work level organization on all stages of medical education in ONMedU. Tutoring support
involvement gives benefits in medical education process.