Development of qualitative methods of chemical analysis of octenidine hexafluorosilicate as a potential anti-caries agent

Show simple item record Sidenko, T. P. en Shyshkin, I. O. en 2023-05-29T09:26:39Z 2023-05-29T09:26:39Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Sidenko T. P., Shyshkin I. O. Development of qualitative methods of chemical analysis of octenidine hexafluorosilicate as a potential anti-caries agent // Modern chemistry of medicines: Міжнар. Internet-конф., 18 травня 2023 р., м. Харків: матер. – Х.: НФаУ, 2023. – С. 82–83. en
dc.description.abstract The spread of dental caries is associated with the insufficient effectiveness of traditional means of prevention and the literacy of the population regarding proper oral hygiene. The search for new, more effective and safer fluoride means for the prevention and treatment of this disease and the development of methods for their qualitative chemical analysis is an urgent task of modern pharmacy. The previously synthesized octenidine hexafluorosilicate (OHFS) in an experiment on rats showed greater caries-preventive and periodontoprotective effectiveness than sodium fluoride as a reference drug. According to the determination of the toxicometric characteristics of OHFS in rats by the oral route of administration, this compound can be classified as a low-toxic substance of the IV toxicity class. The purpose of the work is to develop qualitative methods of chemical analysis of OHFS as a potential anti-caries agent. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject chemical analysis en
dc.subject octenidine hexafluorosilicate en
dc.subject potential anti-caries agent en
dc.subject dental caries en
dc.title Development of qualitative methods of chemical analysis of octenidine hexafluorosilicate as a potential anti-caries agent en
dc.type Article en

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