In today's dynamic business environment, any business organization strives to maintain its own
competitive advantage in the market. Therefore, each company develops and implements methods that allow
not only to maintain a stable position, but also to develop and increase the scale of activities in a particular area.
Such methods include various innovative solutions, attraction of highly qualified personnel, improvement of
management system, changes in technological processes in production and many other things. Recently, however,
so-called virtual reality technologies (VR-technologies) have become increasingly popular among companies.
They are becoming increasingly important due to the rapid development of information and communication and
digital technologies, which greatly facilitate and diversify the lives of most people and organizations. Virtual reality
technology is slowly entering the workplace and is used in many fields such as medicine, construction and design,
automotive, military, logistics, architecture and design, education, sports, engineering, design, tourism, and more.
The main advantage of such technologies is the possibility of complete immersion into the created reality,
additionally acquired ability to feel and analyze both positive aspects and negative consequences of planned
actions, as well as to simulate options for future events. Therefore, the use of modern VR technologies by more and
more organizations plays an important role in the development of their competitiveness. According to scientists and
practitioners, the benefits of using such technologies are, first, to create added value for consumers through a new
set of skills and knowledge; second, to give the organization a virtual competitive advantage; third, the achievement
by the company of greater flexibility, dynamism and persuasiveness when using virtual reality to demonstrate its
product (for example, to disassemble and assemble its own products in order to explain the internal mechanism or
something else); fourth, reducing the duration of the production process, which uses VR technology; fifth, reducing
costs and increasing profits for the organization by optimizing processes, which will save resources and time, and
others. The aim of this publication is to investigate the main theoretical and practical aspects of virtualization of
organizations, in particular, the impact of VR-technologies on their competitiveness, to analyze foreign experience
in the use of virtual technologies in business and to summarize proposals for competitive advantage based on
virtual reality technologies.