The effectiveness of using the marketing system in livestock farming depends on
many factors, which causes some fundamental differences from similar systems in
other fields of national economy. We distinguish the main: a large proportion of
primary processing of prod-ucts (cooling, removal of impurities, pasteurization, etc.);
the need to create a subsystem of preserving and storage; inelasticity of demand and
everyday necessity in the diet of a person.
In the view of marketing functions, the Ukrainian livestock market should be controlled and predicted by the means of collecting and processing large amounts of
information on the livestock production; selecting the most profitable sales markets for
placement, taking into account the soil-climatic zones (Polissya, Forest-steppe, Steppe);
realization of forecasts (short, medium and long-term) for the market development of
livestock products; develop-ment and improvement of main characteristics of products
related to its quality; definition of commodity, price, communicative and logistic policy
in the industry.