Комплексне лікування згідно зі стандартним протоколом одержали 18 пацієнтів з хронічним
переднім ідіопатичним увеїтом, ускладненим невритом зорового нерва з переходом в атрофію.
До і після лікування двічі проведено стандартне офтальмологічне обстеження і визначення об’ємного пульсового кровонаповнення, судинного тонусу очей, швидкості об’ємного кровотоку.
Статистичний аналіз виконували в Statistica 12.0, використовували критерії Стьюдента і Вілкоксона. Після лікування зорові функції на хворому оці поліпшуються, не змінюючись до року.
До лікування показники гемодинаміки збільшені (p<0,000) на хворих очах відносно здорових.
Через 6 і 12 міс. після лікування достовірно знижені об’єм пульсового і швидкість об’ємного пульсового кровонаповнення, тонус великих і дрібних судин щодо вихідних даних.
Aim. To determine the nature and direction of changes in the hemodynamics of the eyes of patients with chronic anterior idiopathic uveitis complicated by optic neuritis with transition to atrophy.
Materials and methods. The study involved 18 people with chronic anterior idiopathic uveitis complicated by optic neuritis with transition to atrophy. Ophthalmological (ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, intraocular pressure, perimetry, visual acuity with maximum correction) and electrophysiological
(volumetric pulse blood filling, vascular tone of the eye, volumetric blood flow rate) studies were performed before and after treatment for a year. The treatment was carried out according to the protocol:
at the first visit – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, immunosuppressant, corticosteroids and immunomodulatory; with subsequent metabolic and vitamin therapy, physiotherapy. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistic 12.0 software. The t-test of Student and Wilcoxon was
Research results. As a result of treatment, the visual functions of patients improved: the number
of people with higher visual acuity is increasing. In the period up to 6 months after treatment, the
number of patients with low visual acuity (0.12–0.5) decreased from 94.4 to 50%; in 11 of 13 visual
acuity increased to 0.3–0.5 (66.7% of all subjects). A year after the treatment, the visual acuity in the
diseased eyes remained the same. The study of eye hemodynamics showed a significant (p<0.000)
increase in all parameters in the diseased eye relative to the healthy one before treatment: volumetric
pulse blood filling – by 64.8; the tone of large eye vessels – by 10.1, small – by 17.5; the rate of
volumetric pulse blood filling – by 37.8%. Comparative analysis of the hemodynamic data of sick
eyes at different periods after treatment revealed a significant decrease in volumetric pulse blood
filling to 66.4 and 52.4%, the rate of volumetric pulse blood filling to 60.2 and 44.4%. A decrease in
the tone of large vessels by 3.1 and 6.4%, and small – up to 94.6 and 92.7% at the time of up to six
months and up to a year relative to the initial data (p<0.000 in all cases).
1. As a result of treatment, the visual functions in the diseased eye improve without deteriorating
until a year after treatment.
2. Before treatment, hemodynamic indices are increased (p<0.000) in the diseased eye relative to
the healthy one.
3. Six and 12 months after treatment, the volumetric pulse blood filling, the rate of volumetric pulse
blood filling, the tone of large and small vessels were significantly reduced relative to the initial data.