The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has rapidly transitioned into a worldwide pandemic. This development has had serious implications for public institutions and raises particular questions for medical universities. The article presented the results of original study the effect of distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic period in the psychological and physical indicators of students who study in medical university. Conducting survey in the pre-session period, which is characterized by the relative stability of the psychoemotional state of students and moderate mental and physical stress, established that the physical and psychological state of the studied group is satisfactory. The study showed that during the session period and quarantine, many students faced a number of negative factors affecting their normal mental health is an increase in the level of stress, anxiety, anxiety, which in turn led to the
development of sleep problems in some of the students, which also contributed to decrease in attention, memory, general performance, strengthening, emotional lability. We can assume that distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic period has led to an increase in
the stress effect on the nervous system, which in the future may cause the development of diseases of various genesis. All human studies were conducted in compliance with the rules of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association "Ethical principles of medical research with human participation as an object of study". Informed consent was obtained from all participants.