К вопросу о вирусной инфекции у работников морских профессий

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Запольский, М. Э. ru
dc.contributor.author Юцковский, А. Д. ru
dc.contributor.author Zapolsky, M.E. en
dc.contributor.author Yuzkovsky, A. D. en
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-07T07:34:44Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-07T07:34:44Z
dc.date.issued 2003
dc.identifier.citation Запольский М. Э., Юцковский А. Д. К вопросу о вирусной инфекции у работников морских профессий // Pacific Medical Journal. 2003. №2. С. 54-55. ru
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.odmu.edu.ua:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/7830
dc.description.abstract As compared with the total sickness rate of skin diseases, the amount of virus dermatoses of water transport workers registered during the years 1997 – 2001 averaged 24%. At the same time the number of cases increased in 3 times more, and the quantity of morbidity days increased in 1,2 times. Among the virus dermatoses, 34% of them fell on recurrent genital herpes. During the medical observation of 108 workers of marine staff, a seasonal dependence of herpetic dermatosis, and its association with the profession were ascertained. Furthermore, the information about immunity disturbance of the patients with herpes was presented there, and a complex stepwise treatment mode along with domestic preparation use was worked out and could be recommended for out'patient treatment under conditions of open'ended navigation. en
dc.language.iso ru en
dc.subject генитальный герпес ru
dc.subject морская профессия ru
dc.subject комплексное лечение ru
dc.title К вопросу о вирусной инфекции у работников морских профессий ru
dc.title.alternative About the problem of viral infection of the мarine workers en
dc.type Article en

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