У статті порушено проблему формування інформаційно-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх
лікарів сімейної медицини. Стверджується, що застосування на практиці інноваційних технологій надає можливість викладачам медичних закладів вищої освіти впровадити й удосконалити нові методи
роботи, підвищити ефективність освітнього процесу та рівень знань студентів-медиків.
Modernization of the educational sphere requires the constant search for new organizational forms and methods
of training that would ensure the quality and effectiveness of this training. In view of this, the professional training
of future family doctors becomes of particular importance, since it provides the opportunity for the full realization of
humanistic ideas in the field of education and education of representatives of the new information society.
Innovative technologies in the institution of higher education are technologies based on innovations: organizational and methodological. Innovative technologies allow: students to use educational materials and materials effectively; to acquire professional knowledge; develop problem-solving thinking; to form the teachers to
quickly update the educational and methodical literature.
Formation of informational and communicative competence of future family doctors is not possible without
the active use of the arsenal of digital technologies (webinars, on-line broadcasts, trainings, web quests). The
application in practice of innovative technologies enables teachers of medical institutions of higher education
to introduce and improve new methods of work, improve the efficiency of the educational process and the level
of knowledge of medical students.