The diagnosis and correction of hemocoagulation disorders in operative delivery

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Tarabrin, O. en Mazurenko, A. en Tarabrin, P. en Sazhyn, D. en Volodychev, D. en 2020-06-13T06:33:57Z 2020-06-13T06:33:57Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation The diagnosis and correction of hemocoagulation disorders in operative delivery / O. Tarabrin, A. Mazurenko, P. Tarabrin et al. // European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2017. Vol. 34, Suppl. 55. N 12AP04-5. (Euroanaesthesia 2017: The European Anaesthesiology Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-5 june 2017 : Abstracts) en
dc.description.abstract Despite significant progress in obstetric care, the problem of bleeding during labour remains unfinished. Annually in the world 125,000 women die from obstetric haemorrhage. The results of surgical treatment of 84 patients after cesarean section during the period from 2014 to 2016 entered the study. Condition of haemostasis was monitored by 12 standard biochemical tests, as well as the new instrumental method – low-frequency piezoelectric haemoviscoelastography preoperative, intra-operative and every day during 10 days af ter surgery.A randomized, double-blind study was performed .Patients were divided into two groups: the first group (n=43) received preoperative (30 minutes before operation) tranexamic acid 10-15 mg/kg (depends on severity of hemocougulation disorders); the second group (n=41) didn’t receive medication, which has influence on blood coagulation. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject operative delivery en
dc.subject hemocoagulation disorders en
dc.title The diagnosis and correction of hemocoagulation disorders in operative delivery en
dc.type Article en

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