В качестве активаторов поликонденсации фталевого и малеинового ангидридов с этиленгликолем исследованы биядерные Sn(IV)–Co(II) (Ni(II), Mn(II), Cu(II)) комплексы с лимонной кислотой. Проведено совместное высокотемпературное отверждение синтезированных олигомеров с эпоксидной смолой ЭД-20, изучены свойства сополимеров.
В якості активаторів поліконденсації фталевого і малеїнового ангідридів з етиленгліколем
досліджено біядерні Sn(IV)–Co(II) (Ni(II), Mn(II), Cu(II)) комплекси з лимонною кислотою. Проведено їх спільне високотемпературне тверднення з епоксидною смолою ЕД20, вивчено властивості кополімерів.
As activators of polycondensation of phthalic and maleic anhydride with ethyleneglycoles, binuclear Sn(IV) – Co(II) (Ni(II), Mn(II), Cu(II))complexes with citric acid were explored. Complexes were added in reactionmixture aswater solutions. Polycondensation was conducted at 175ºC and 250ºC, reactions with epoxy resin were carried out at 150ºC. Certain structure of polyesters was obtained with methods of IR- and the mass-spectroscopy. The coating was produced at high temperature and hardened with an epoxy resin EDR-20 in cyclohexanone solution. Satisfying description of copolymer’s tapes of modified polyglycolmaleinatphtalates with epoxy olygomer are saved at the maintenance of polyesters up to 90%. The values of adhesion were determined using hardness and stability to the abrasion of the got lacquered coverages. The best physico-mechanical descriptions of interdimerss were observed when
we used a copper complex. This can be explained because of formation of hight dispersible particles of metallic copper. As an additional factor, strengthening of the fungicide activity of polyester resin can be increased with hight dispersible particles of copper by introduction of acetate or special complex of copper and by heating to 200ºC after finishing of polycondensation reaction. The offered systems can be used for the receipt of fungicide varnishes and paints.