Проаналізовано проблеми соціальних і хронічних хвороб населення на сучасному етапі на прикладі інфекцій, що передаються статевим шляхом (ІПСШ); переглянуті залежності рівнів захворюваності на інфекції, що передаються статевим шляхом, від рівня соціального розвитку суспільства; розглянуті організаційні механізми впливу органів влади держави на соціальні та хронічні хворобиз урахуванням міжнародного досвіду.
The problems of social and chronic diseases of the population at the present stage on the example of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) areanalyzed. The data reflected presence in Ukraine dangerous situation on these diseases, the official statistics do not shows the actual volume of incidence, the country lacks an effective epidmonitorng, a complete social registers patients and chronic diseases (including STIs) not formed.The given data of an epidemic situation testify to its disadvantages, failure to report cases, first of all, among contingents of behavioral risk groups, and the lack of uniform data. This situation is a source of doubt in the probability of data or indicates that there is no specific work outcomes with the contingent of a high-risk group for infection. Revised dependencies of STIs rates on the level of social development of society; organizational mechanisms of influence of state authorities on social and chronic diseases are considered in the light of international experience. Structure and function of administration in the health sector in social and chronic diseases (including STIs) in Ukraine and other countries covered using structural and functional method. The dangerous situation in Ukraine with social and chronic diseases (including STIs) has developed on the background of insufficient material and technical base of health care institutions, limitation of possibilities in conducting laboratory, especially virological, research in state and communal health care institutions, insufficient number of courses of antiviral therapy at the expense of the state budget, lack of access to new treatment schemes with usage of modern effective drugs for patients with STIs treatment. The situation is progressively deteriorating due to insufficient government funding social programs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of social and chronic diseases as well as lack of such programs among administrative areas of the country. According to the assessment of the epidemic situation, conclusions can be drawn that needs to be improved by coordinating the collection and compilation of information.
Проанализированы проблемы социальных и хронических болезней населения на современном этапе на примере инфекций, передающихся половым путем (ИППП); пересмотрены зависимости уровней заболеваемости ИППП, от уровня социального развития общества; рассмотрены организационные механизмы влияния государственных органов власти на социальные и хронические болезни с учетом международного опыта.