Clinic and ultrasound parallels of ovarian intra-abdominal bleedings in the women of reproductive age

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Nazarenko, O. en 2019-11-25T11:33:45Z 2019-11-25T11:33:45Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Nazarenko O. Clinic and ultrasound parallels of ovarian intra-abdominal bleedings in the women of reproductive age. Journal of Health Sciences. 2013. Vol.3, N 11. P. 447-454. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Clinic and ultrasound parallels of ovarian intra-abdominal bleedings in the women of reproductive age patients with the haemoperitoneum volume more than 300 ml. All the patients were examined sonographically. Surgical intervention was performed either immediately after the diagnosis of ovarian apoplexy assessment and the patient’s hospitalization or after conservative treatment attempts. Statistical processing of the results was performed with the software Statistica 5.5 (Stat Soft Inc., USA). Results. The study identified the clinical, laboratory and ultrasound characteristics of apoplexy patients’ with ovarian bleeding over 300 ml. The distinctive diagnostic features include: the presence of a significant pelvic ache, decreased hemoglobin ( to 100 g / l ), free liquid level rising above the bottom of the uterus on transvaginal sagittal echograms. The rating diagnostic signs of hemoperitoneum in patients with ovarian apoplexy can be used for the patients’ selection either for conservative or surgical treatment. If the amount of intra-abdominal bleeding does not exceed 300 ml a conservative treatment is recommended. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject ovarian apoplexy en
dc.subject diagnosi en
dc.subject hemoperitoneum en
dc.title Clinic and ultrasound parallels of ovarian intra-abdominal bleedings in the women of reproductive age en
dc.type Article en

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