Molecular size determination of hyaluronic acid

Show simple item record Venger, A. en Kolesnyk, O. en Malynovsky, V. en Zaitsev, A. en Masloboeva, T. en Hruzevskyi, O. en 2018-10-04T07:25:31Z 2018-10-04T07:25:31Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Molecular size determination of hyaluronic acid / A. Venger, O. Kolesnyk, V. Malynovsky [et al.] // Science Forum. Section 1. Biology. – 2018. – № 1. – P. 3–5. en
dc.identifier.issn 2433-7218
dc.description.abstract Hyaluronic acid (HA) is polysaccharide widely used in the medicine. In the usage of HA the size of molecules has a very important signifcance. Identifcation of HA size is usually carried out by paper chromatography method or by fltration through micropores with markers of molecular size. However, the mentioned methods are very expensive and need extra time to be completed. Te aim of scientifc research was to detect the possibility of separation and identifcation of molecular size of HA by electrophoresis in the polyacrylamide gel. Possibility to separate and identifcate the specifc size of HA molecules was shown in polyacrylamide gel by electrophoretic method. Tis method requires less time and resources than ones which are usually used and can be applied both in industry and medicine. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject hyaluronic acid en
dc.subject molecular size en
dc.subject electrophoresis en
dc.subject molecular markers en
dc.title Molecular size determination of hyaluronic acid en
dc.type Article en

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