Короткий опис (реферат):
The article is devoted to the research of the clinical and morphological features of
adenomyosis (AD) in the presence of the endometrioid carcinoma (EC) of uterine in postmenopausal
patients. The analysis was made of clinical and morphological manifestations of this disease in
11 women aged 58–74 years. Morphological structure of eu- and ectopic endometrium was studied at
work in detail, according to comorbidity. It was diagnosed that for the morphological picture of AD in
the presence of EC characteristic the predominance of the diffuse form of AD above the nodal,
presence of active AD and inactive AD. It was confirmed the possibility of the combination of AD and
EC with endometrial hyperplasia and mioma of the uterine body. There was marked increase in the
expression levels of ER-receptor in accordance with the degree of EC differentiation. It established
that the fire of AD in the presence of the EC retain their estrogen activity.