Psychological condition of patients with diabetes mellitus – control and correction

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Strechen, S. B. en Abdelmoaty Mahmoud Shaker Zaki en 2025-03-04T08:26:39Z 2025-03-04T08:26:39Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Strechen, S. B., Abdelmoaty Mahmoud Shaker Zaki. Psychological condition of patients with diabetes mellitus – control and correction // Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects: the 8th International scientific and practical conference, January 23–25, 2022. MDPC Publishing, Berlin, Germany. 2022. P. 114–116. en
dc.description.abstract Chronic polyetiological metabolic disease or a group of metabolic diseases that include diabetes mellitus is so widespread in the world today that it looks like a non-infectious epidemic. The total number of patients according to world statistics exceeds 300 million, with an annual increase of 5–7% and a doubling every 12–15 years. It should be noted that there has been a significant increase in the number of patients with both types of diabetes over the past two years, which may indicate the effect of the previous coronavirus infection on both the state of the pancreas (insulin production) and glucose utilization (hypoxia of organs and tissues, decreased sensitivity of peripheral receptors). Aim. The main purpose of the study was to carry out a comparative analysis of changes in the psychological criteria of the quality of life (emotions, feelings, focus, thinking, learning, self-esteem) in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus using two schemes of insulin administration – a pen and an insulin pump. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject diabetes mellitus en
dc.subject psychological condition of patients en
dc.subject control en
dc.subject correction en
dc.title Psychological condition of patients with diabetes mellitus – control and correction en
dc.type Article en

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