Study of the antifungal activity of the tested collection of Origanum vulgare, Juglans regia, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum

Show simple item record Malyts’ka, A. I. en Bohatu, S. I. en Rozhkovskyi, Ya. V. en 2025-02-28T06:58:20Z 2025-02-28T06:58:20Z 2025
dc.identifier.citation Malyts’ka, A. I., Bohatu, S. I., Rozhkovskyi, Ya. V. Study of the antifungal activity of the tested collection of Origanum vulgare, Juglans regia, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum // International scientific-practical conference “Current state and priorities modernization of science, education and society”: conference proceedings (Tampere, Finland, February 8, 2025). Tampere, Finland: Scholarly Publisher ICSSH, 2025. P. 46–48. en
dc.description.abstract Oral candidiasis is a fungal infection of the oral mucosa caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, most commonly Candida albicans. It is an opportunistic disease that usually develops in compromised patient groups – patients with weakened immunity (cancer patients, HIV-infected, diabetics); people taking antibiotics or corticosteroids; the elderly and infants; dental patients, especially denture wearers. Purpose of the work: study of the antifungal activity of a medicinal collection consisting of Origanum vulgare, Juglans regia, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject antifungal activity en
dc.subject Origanum vulgare en
dc.subject Juglans regia en
dc.subject Calendula officinalis en
dc.subject Hypericum perforatum en
dc.title Study of the antifungal activity of the tested collection of Origanum vulgare, Juglans regia, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum en
dc.type Article en

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