Areas of artificial intelligence (AI) can be explored for positive change in medical education

Show simple item record Rogachevskyi, O. P. en Pervak, M. P. en 2025-02-03T11:05:01Z 2025-02-03T11:05:01Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Rogachevskyi O. P., Pervak M. P. Areas of artificial intelligence (AI) can be explored for positive change in medical education // Освітні інновації у закладах вищої медичної освіти: збірник науково-педагогічного підвищення кваліфікації (27 лист. 2023 р. – 28 січ. 2024 р.) / за ред. В. Г. Марічереда. Одеса : ОНМедУ, 2024. С. 155–158. en
dc.description.abstract In thе current landscape of medical education, traditional methodologies face challenges in adequately preparing healthcare professionals for the complexities of the evolving healthcare industry. This work recognizes these challenges, emphasizing the need for a paradigm shift in medical education to keep pace with rapid advancements in medical practices, diagnostic tools, and treatment modalities. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject areas of artificial intelligence en
dc.subject medical education en
dc.subject positive change en
dc.subject medical practices en
dc.title Areas of artificial intelligence (AI) can be explored for positive change in medical education en
dc.type Article en

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