Study of adsorption properties of natural and modified clinoptilolite in relation to chloramphenicol

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Голубчик, Х. Драгнєва, К. 2025-01-13T12:54:39Z 2025-01-13T12:54:39Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Drahnieva K. O., Holubchyk K. O. Study of adsorption properties of natural and modified clinoptilolite in relation to chloramphenicol. Наука, освіта та технології: тенденції, виклики, перспективи: збірник тез доповідей міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Полтава, 16 травня 2024 р.): у 2 ч. Полтава: ЦФЕНД, 2024. Ч. 1. 55 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 543.632:546.284:547.82
dc.description.abstract Today, the main method of combating diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria is antibiotic therapy. Research on the sorption of chloramphenicol on clay minerals is really relevant, because these minerals show a high ability to retain various substances, including antibiotics. Clay minerals such as montmorillonite, illite, and kaolinite have surface properties that allow them to adsorb various compounds. Research shows that clay minerals are able to sorb chloramphenicol, which can help reduce its concentration in the environment and prevent its negative effects on human health and the environment uk_UA
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject сhloramphenicol, clinoptilolite, adsorption uk_UA
dc.title Study of adsorption properties of natural and modified clinoptilolite in relation to chloramphenicol en
dc.type Article en

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