dc.description.abstract |
Herpes gladiatorum usually occurs among wrestlers, football and rugby players as a result of direct contact with skin lesions caused by herpes simplex virus. Classical locations include the face, neck, and arms. It typically presents with a vesiculopustular rash on an erythematous base, similar to HSV in other locations, and may be misdiagnosed as impetigo, folliculitis, or nummular eczema. Herpes gladiatorum usually occurs among wrestlers, football and rugby players as a result of direct contact with skin lesions caused by herpes simplex virus. Classical locations include the face, neck, and arms. It typically presents with a vesiculopustular rash on an erythematous base, similar to HSV in other locations, and may be misdiagnosed as impetigo, folliculitis, or nummular eczema. Herpetic lymphangitis is a rarely reported complication of herpetic hand infection.is a rarely reported complication of herpetic hand infection. |
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