Methodological developments to practical classes on pathomorphology. Faculty Medical, course III (STN). Educational discipline Pathomorphology

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Sytnikova, V. O. en Lytvynenko, M. V. en Buryachkivskyi, E. S. en Narbutova, T. E. en Vasyliev, V. V. en 2024-12-25T10:15:44Z 2024-12-25T10:15:44Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Methodological developments to practical classes on pathomorphology. Faculty Medical, course III (STN). Educational discipline Pathomorphology / developers: V. О. Sytnikova, M. V. Lytvynenko, E. S. Buryachkivskyi, T. E. Narbutova, V. V. Vasiliev, S. M. Syvyi. Odesa : Odesa National Medical University, 2022. 396 p. en
dc.description.abstract Topic:Introduction to pathomorphology. The subject and tasks of pathomorphology. Methods and techniques of patho-anatomical diagnostics. The main stages of the development of pathomorphology. Rising level of knowledge. Morphological changes of cells as a response to stressful and toxic damage (parenchymatous/cellular dystrophies). Cellular dystrophies: hyaline-droplet, hydropic, fatty. Goal:To study the goals, tasks, objects of pathomorphology and methods of pathomorphological studies, the main stages of the development of pathomorphology, the morphology of reversible and irreversible damage to cells and tissues, intracellular accumulation of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids and to interpret these morphological changes. Basic concepts:pathomorphology, pathological process, dystrophy, consequences and complications of intracellular and extracellular accumulation of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids and interpret these morphological changes. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject pathomorphological dresearch en
dc.title Methodological developments to practical classes on pathomorphology. Faculty Medical, course III (STN). Educational discipline Pathomorphology en
dc.type Learning Object en

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