Methodological development to lectures on pathomorphology. Faculty Medical, course III. Educational discipline Pathomorphology (STN)

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Sytnikova, V. О. en Lytvynenko, M. V. en Buryachkivskyi, E. S. en Narbutova, T. E. en Vasiliev, V. V. en Syvyi, S. M. en 2024-12-24T15:10:11Z 2024-12-24T15:10:11Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Methodological development to lectures on pathomorphology. Faculty Medical, course III. Educational discipline Pathomorphology (STN) / . О. Sytnikova, M. V. Lytvynenko, E. S. Buryachkivskyi, T. E. Narbutova, V. V. Vasiliev, S. M. Syvyi. Odesa : Odesa National Medical University, 2022. 406 p. en
dc.description.abstract Goal: Familiarize yourself with the subject "Pathomorphology", learn the concepts, types, classifications of dystrophies, parenchymal lipidoses, parenchymal carbohydrate dystrophies, mesenchymal dystrophies,Mesenchymal dysproteinoses, Stromal-vascular lipidoses, Mesenchymal carbohydrate dystrophies, Mixed dystrophies and more. You need to know this material to understand the principles of pathomorphology, to know and learn the types of dystrophies, to calculate reversible and irreversible types of damage to cells and tissues, to know the essence and location of intracellular and extracellular accumulated proteins, fats and carbohydrates. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject methodological development en
dc.subject pathomorphology en
dc.subject lectures en
dc.subject medical faculty en
dc.title Methodological development to lectures on pathomorphology. Faculty Medical, course III. Educational discipline Pathomorphology (STN) en
dc.type Learning Object en

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