The metabolic syndrome in the setting of general medicine

Show simple item record Yakimenko, O. O. en Oliynyk, D. A. en Oliynyk, A. A. en 2024-07-30T10:40:12Z 2024-07-30T10:40:12Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Yakimenko O. O., Oliynyk D. A., Oliynyk A. A. The metabolic syndrome in the setting of general medicine. Вісник морської медицини. 2024. № 2. С. 193–196. (Актуальні питання ревматології, кардіології та внутрішніх хвороб : наук.-практ. конф., 16-17 квіт. 2024 р., м. Одеса). en
dc.description.abstract The study was carried out with the data-mining tool of the Medico2000 software on the medical records of 83 patients, aged between 52 and 69 years, divided into 44 males and 39 females, examined at the GP’s office. Among 83 subjects studied 34 were without MetS (Group 1) and 49 with MetS diagnosed by ATP III criteria during the first outpatient visit (Group 2). The same 49 patients underwent re-evaluation after 12 months of multifactorial treatment (Group 3). Results. After treatment, in Group 3 the integral D indicator improved from 0.221 to 0.539, which corresponds to the “Acceptable” qualitative evaluation, but still remained compared to the control control Group 1, where the D indicator corresponded to the qualitative evaluation “Good”. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Metabolic Syndrome en
dc.subject Global Cardiovascular Risk en
dc.subject Desirability Index en
dc.title The metabolic syndrome in the setting of general medicine en
dc.type Article en

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