Role of intensity of electrical stimulation (ES) in the cerebellar antiepileptic effectiveness under conditions of diazepam administration

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Godlevsky, L. en Pervak, M. en Poshyvak, O. en 2024-06-19T09:11:36Z 2024-06-19T09:11:36Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Godlevskya L., Pervaka M., Poshyvakb O. Role of intensity of electrical stimulation (ES) in the cerebellar antiepileptic effectiveness under conditions of diazepam administration. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2021. Vol. 429. Abstract No 119090. P. 133. en
dc.description.abstract ES of brain structures combined with antiepileptic drugs is a promising approach for better pharmacological control of resistant seizures. Aims. To investigate the dynamic of penicillin-induced foci in cats' brain cortex under conditions of paleocerebellar electrical stimulation (ES) delivered at different intensities and diazepam administration. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject electrical stimulation en
dc.subject cerebellar antiepileptic effectiveness en
dc.subject diazepam en
dc.title Role of intensity of electrical stimulation (ES) in the cerebellar antiepileptic effectiveness under conditions of diazepam administration en
dc.type Article en

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