Age–dependent immune status changes in chronic pancreatitis patients

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Shevchenko, N. O. en Babinets, L. S. en Halabitska, I. M. en 2024-04-17T08:34:37Z 2024-04-17T08:34:37Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Shevchenko N. O., Babinets L. S., Halabitska I. M. Age–dependent immune status changes in chronic pancreatitis patients // Georgian medical news. 2022. No. 9 (330). P. 54–58. en
dc.description.abstract The negative consequences of constant stress exposure in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) develop an immune deficiency, which also depends on the nature of the body's immune response, which may vary at different ages. The aim of the study: To study and analyze the state of the immune system of patients with chronic pancreatitis in the age aspect. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject age–dependent en
dc.subject immune status en
dc.subject chronic pancreatitis patients en
dc.subject constant stress en
dc.title Age–dependent immune status changes in chronic pancreatitis patients en
dc.type Article en

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