Стан здоров'я молодого покоління – найважливіший показник благополуччя держави, який є репродуктивним, інтелектуальним та культурним резервом суспільства. В статті досліджено питання відношення студентів до здорового способу життя, дотримання ними правильного співвідношення відпочинок/робота та визначено самооцінку стану здоров'я студентської молоді. Проводилось дослідження методом анкетування студентів 1–3 курсів факультету хімії та фармації. Виявлено переважно позитивне ставлення сучасної молоді до здорового способу життя. Водночас дослідження виявляє суперечність між бажаннями студентів та реальною поведінкою – вони розуміють, що малорухливий спосіб життя шкідливо впливає на стан здоров'я, але при цьому не хочуть нічого міняти. Це свідчить про актуальність проведення роз'яснювальної роботи щодо доцільності раціонального підходу до здоров'я.
In connection with the decline in health indicators, a modern person needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, to be aware of personal activity in increasing the level of health. Youth has always been considered the embodiment of health. Student age is a time of great opportunities for the formation of a healthy life. But this time is a big health risk. The state of health of the young generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of the state, which is the reproductive, intellectual and cultural reserve of society. Unfortunately, many young people do not implement a healthy lifestyle in their everyday life. Therefore, the article examines the attitude of student youth to a healthy lifestyle, their adherence to the correct balance of rest and work, self-assessment of the state of health of student youth and their attitude to regular physical exercises. The research was conducted by the method of surveying students of the I-III courses of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, whose average age is 19.5 years. The positive attitude of modern youth towards a healthy lifestyle has been revealed. But the research reveals a contradiction between students' desires and actual behavior – they understand that a sedentary lifestyle has a harmful effect on health, but at the same time they do not have the desire and time for it. Most students are in a sitting position without a break for quite a long time. This very often leads to a violation of the posture. Correct posture is the key to normal functioning of all organs. Therefore, most students note a deterioration in their well-being at the end of the academic year. This is the appearance of fatigue, headache, back pain and pain in the neck muscles. Unfortunately, there are no students whose well-being has remained at the level of the beginning of the academic year. Also, human health is interconnected with motor activity. Most students do not play any sport. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly motivate young people to improve their health, to improve a healthy lifestyle, to offer various approaches to each student individually and to individual groups, which will enable students to be interested in physical education and sports and mass activities, taking into account their capabilities and desires.