The state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in children with different levels of lead in the blood

Show simple item record Hnidoi, I. en Hnida, N. en 2023-08-04T09:01:06Z 2023-08-04T09:01:06Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Hnidoi I., Hnida N. The state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in children with different levels of lead in the blood // Discussion and development of modern scientific research: the 4th International scientific and practical conference, October 18–21, 2022, Helsinki, Finland. International Science Group. 2022. P. 222–223. en
dc.description.abstract Lead is an environmental toxicant that can induce oxidative stress (OS) via reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, which has been reported as an important mechanism underlying lead toxicity [1]. To install biochemical mechanisms of these disorders, the state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in children with different levels of lead in the blood was studied. 100 children of a random sample aged from 4 to 15 years were examined (average age 11.5 years). Determination of lead was carried out in heparinized venous blood by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. The activity of lipid peroxidation processes (LPO) was estimated by accumulation of primary (diene conjugates - DK) and final (malonic dialdehyde - MDA) products of lipoperoxidation in the blood. The state of the antioxidant system was evaluated by glutathione peroxidase (GPO) activity and by the content of sulfhydryl and thioldisulfide groups of blood. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis en
dc.subject children en
dc.subject different levels of lead in the blood en
dc.subject environmental toxicant en
dc.title The state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in children with different levels of lead in the blood en
dc.type Article en

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