Tests for self-preparation for the integrated test control on the physiology for students of the general medicine specialty of the ii-nd grate

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Onufrienko, O. V. en
dc.contributor.author Topal, M. M. en
dc.contributor.author Lyashenko, S. L. en
dc.contributor.author Pryshchepa, O. O. en
dc.contributor.author Denysenko, O. V. en
dc.contributor.author Volokhova, G. O. en
dc.contributor.author Kaschenko, O. A. en
dc.date.accessioned 2023-08-01T08:23:08Z
dc.date.available 2023-08-01T08:23:08Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Tests for self-preparation for the integrated test control on the physiology for students of the general medicine specialty of the ii-nd grate / O. V. Onufrienko, Y. A. Boyko, M. M. Topal et al. – Одесса : Астропринт, 2019. – 144 с. en
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.odmu.edu.ua:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/13433
dc.description.abstract Proposed educational and methodological tests contain test tasks on the subject “Physiology”. Present educational and methodical tests are designed for students of the 2-nd grade of the Medical faculty studying Physiology. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject tests en
dc.subject self-preparation en
dc.subject integrated test control en
dc.subject physiology en
dc.title Tests for self-preparation for the integrated test control on the physiology for students of the general medicine specialty of the ii-nd grate en
dc.type Learning Object en

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Даний матеріал зустрічається у наступних зібраннях

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу