Financing of Ukrainian healthcare system within the economic security of a country

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Safonov, Yu. en Borshch, V. en 2023-03-31T09:11:04Z 2023-03-31T09:11:04Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Safonov Yu., Borshch V. Financing of Ukrainian healthcare system within the economic security of a country // Security of the XXI century: national and geopolitical aspects: collective monograph. Prague, 2019. P. 127–133. en
dc.description.abstract Health care is a system of socio-economic and medical activities, directed at the prevention of health loss and its resumption, sanitation of environment, improvement of living and labour conditions, maintenance and improvement of health of a society and its member with a purpose to ensure harmonious development of human physical and spiritual strengths, reaching the high level of work capacity and life expectancy. Main function of health care, particularly, is social one, but upon its operation directly depends the level of labour productiveness and the prospects of socio-economic development of the country. Health care is one of the main factors, which form the economic security of the country. Medical care belongs to the most important types of social services, directed at addressing the basic needs of society. In accordance with Ukrainian law, each member of a society, regardless of the income level, has an equal access to the health care, and financial policy in healthcare field should provide a warranty of its high quality. And although the health status depends of the way of life, environment and heredity for 90 per cent, and only for 10 per cent on the development level of healthcare system, nevertheless, inadequate financing of this branch is one of the factors of low rates of its development. Thus, search of the new financial resources for health care and new financial mechanisms is not only the calling of our time, but also the issue of the national security. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject financing of Ukrainian healthcare system en
dc.subject economic security of a country en
dc.subject socio-economic and medical activities en
dc.subject labour conditions en
dc.title Financing of Ukrainian healthcare system within the economic security of a country en
dc.type Article en

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