Modern peculiarities of eating behavior in children

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Dzhahiashvili, O. en Godlevska, T. en Portnova, O. en 2023-02-11T21:20:12Z 2023-02-11T21:20:12Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Dzhahiashvili O., Godlevska T., Portnova O. Modern peculiarities of eating behavior in children // Latest directions of modern science : Abstracts of III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vancouver, Canada, January 23 – 25, 2023. Vancouver, Canada, 2023. P. 152–153. en
dc.description.abstract Relevance. The role of eating behavior (EB) in neurophysiological processes of central nervous structure ripening, the formation of intestinal microbiome, occurrence of orthodontic pathology have been explored, relationship with psychobehavioral disorders, autistic frustration have been proofed. The problem of the formation of EB under conditions of chronic stress, during wartime and during epidemics deserves special attention. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject behavior en
dc.subject children en
dc.title Modern peculiarities of eating behavior in children en
dc.type Article en

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