3D, haptics and virtual reality technologies implementation results in quality assessment and assurance of obstetrician-gynecologists’ hysteroscopy training

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dc.contributor.author Artyomenko, V. V. en
dc.contributor.author Nosenko, V. en
dc.contributor.author Shapoval, N. en
dc.contributor.author Mnih, L. en
dc.contributor.author Kozhukhar, A.
dc.contributor.author Nastradina, N.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-03T12:04:53Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-03T12:04:53Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation 3D, haptics and virtual reality technologies implementation results in quality assessment and assurance of obstetrician-gynecologists’ hysteroscopy training / V. V. Artyomenko, V. Nosenko, N. Shapoval et al. // Proceedings of INTED2021 Conference 8th-9th March 2021. 4128–4134 en
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.odmu.edu.ua:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/11927
dc.description.abstract Modern practical gynecology requires mandatory diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopic (HS) procedures. Their high-quality and safe performance is due to repeated trainings for mastering motor skills. This should ultimately lead to a tactile sensation and understanding of depth, fulcrum and force of impact. Simulation training is especially important, which gives effective theoretical and practical training of novice gynecologists for basic HS manipulations, the ability to conduct and evaluate their teamwork. The virtual simulator is widely used for objective assessment of clinical skills and abilities associated with the competence. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject obstetrician-gynaecologist en
dc.subject hysteroscopy en
dc.subject 3D en
dc.subject virtual realty en
dc.subject haptics en
dc.subject quality assessment en
dc.subject quality assurance en
dc.subject simulation training en
dc.subject postgraduate training en
dc.title 3D, haptics and virtual reality technologies implementation results in quality assessment and assurance of obstetrician-gynecologists’ hysteroscopy training en
dc.type Article en

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