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Генетичні фактори відповіді на противірусну терапію при хронічному гепатиті С
Аппельханс, О.; Бажора, Ю. І.; Бахчеван, О. Л.; Борисова, О. В.; Мозгова, В. О.; Усиченко, О. М.; Усиченко, К. М.; Appel'khans, O.; Bazhora, Yu. I.; Bakhchevan, O. L.; Borysova, O. V.; Mozhova, V. O.; Usychenko, O. M.; Usychenko, K. M.
The work presents the results of genetic testing (genotype IL-28B) of the 272 patients with chronic hepatitis C who live in different regions of Ukraine. The results of examination of patients obtained during realization of the project "Evidence-based medicine – definition of token success of treatment of hepatitis C. The Economic and social efficiency" by the staff of the International Alliance of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. The analysis of the genotypes between patients (by region) and virological response to antiviral therapy performed.