Короткий опис (реферат):
Hormone-dependent diseases related to preproliferative processes and endometrial
cancer have a clear tendency to increase and rejuvenate. The purpose: to study the expression
of VEGF marker in endometrial cells under physiological, hyperplastic, atypical conditions in
women’s different age periods. 2196 pathomorphological findings of endometrial tissue
samples in women with clinical manifestations requiring surgical treatment have been
analyzed. VEGF expression was performed in endometrial tissue samples of 458 women of
late reproductive, perimenopausal and postmenopausal age. Each age category is
characterized by its morphofunctional features of the endometrial tissue. Results. The
frequency of detection of hyperplastic processes, atypical hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma
indicates that starting from the period after 40 y.o. the mechanisms of initiation and
development of factors in the system of self-sufficiency in mitogenic stimuli, constant
proliferation and insensitivity to antimytogenic signals", loss of “Hayflick’s limit”, reduced
ability to apoptosis, propensity to immortalization take place. Conclusion: The expression of
VEGF concentration in endometrial tissue as an inducer of angiogenesis is increased in
hyperplastic processes. Significant growth is observed in the processes of atypical
hyperplasia, especially in the postmenopausal period. Determination of VEGF concentration
in endometrial proliferative processes can be a promising marker for diagnosing the risk of
atypical conditions and their prognosis. Research in this direction is quite relevant.