Comprehensive treatment of osteoarthritis peformans with concomitant metabolic syndrome

Show simple item record Bohdan, N. М. en 2022-01-14T07:02:06Z 2022-01-14T07:02:06Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation BohdanN. М. Comprehensive treatment of osteoarthritis peformans with concomitant metabolic syndrome // Deutscher Wissenschaftsherold-German Science Herald. 2016. N 1. P. 3–5. en
dc.description.abstract Osteoarthritis peformans is the most common pathology of the musculoskeletal system. OAP, combined with metabolic syndrome (MS), leads to an overuse of the knee joints operation, and is one of the main causes of premature disability in people. Combined treatment using electrophoresis with neocaripasin in patients with OAP and concomitant MS reduces pain, the severity of inflammatory responses and improves quality of life. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject deforming osteoarthritis en
dc.subject metabolic syndrome en
dc.subject complex treatment en
dc.title Comprehensive treatment of osteoarthritis peformans with concomitant metabolic syndrome en
dc.type Article en

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