The effects of functional food on rehabilitation of coronary hearts disease patients

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Plakida, A. L. en 2021-10-21T12:56:59Z 2021-10-21T12:56:59Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Plakida A. L. The effects of functional food on rehabilitation of coronary hearts disease patients/ A. L. Plakida // Санаторно-курортне лікування та реабілітація: сучасні тенденції розвитку: наук. – практ. конф. з міжнар. участю, 30 вересня – 1 жовтня 2021 р., м. Одеса: матер. – Одеса, 2021. – С. 12–14. en
dc.description.abstract Patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) are at high cardiovascular risk (CVR), due to a complex set of inter-related hemodynamic, metabolic and neurohormonal disorders. Particular importance is the correction of body weight as one of the most modifiable risk factors.The connecting link between the risk of coronary heart disease and obesity is dyslipidemia. The use of pharmaceutical products helps to improve the results of treatment of CHD, however, drug therapy has a number of disadvantages, the main of which are allergic reactions, development of addiction, side effects. Rehabilitation treatment of patients with CHD in the sanatorium stage provides for the mandatory inclusion of non-drug interventions, such as: physical therapy and dietetics. One of the promising directions of currently researchof correction of weight is the use of functional foods. We have received positive results in preliminary studies in athletes by use of functional foods containing L-carnitine.On this basis, we have developed functional product for patients with CHD taking into account peculiarities of metabolism. en
dc.language.iso uk en
dc.subject functional food en
dc.subject patients en
dc.subject coronary hearts disease en
dc.subject cardiovascular risk en
dc.title The effects of functional food on rehabilitation of coronary hearts disease patients en
dc.type Article en

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